Genetically Modified Sweet Corn is being sold in Canada. If avoiding genetically modified foods is important to you, consider asking the farmer you buy from the following:
Q1. Does your sweet corn have insect protection? Is it resistant to cornborer or earworm?
o The GM sweet corn is sold under the brand name "Attribute" from Rogers which is owned by the biotech company Syngenta.
o The GM sweet corn is genetically modified to be toxic to the European corn borer and corn earworm.
o The GM technology that makes the plant toxic to these insects is Monsanto's Bt "YieldGard" technology.
o Farmers purchasing Attribute "BT insect-protected" seed will sign an "Attribute Grower Stewardship Agreement".
GM sweet corn is available to buy from US seed companies, selling "Genetically Enhancedâ" hybrid sweet corn seed. The sweet corn varieties are also called "insect protected hybrids" - the corn is a hybrid but it is also genetically modified.